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Pizza Delivery Bags

Food delivery bags

Food Delivery Bags

Meals on wheels

Meals on Wheels

Custom bags

Custom Bags


Cooktek delivery bags

The History of Meals on Wheels

We know it as a system of programs aimed at bringing meals to those who are unable to prepare them for themselves or leave the house and purchase them, but did you know that this traditions stretches all the way back to the London Blitz during World War 2? Most of the recipients are usually elderly folks, and this program has been helping people for 75 years! We are proud to carry some of the best Meal on Wheels bags to help keep the food fresh until it gets to where it needs to go.

The London Blitz

During the Second World War, London was the target of heavy bombing. With most of the city’s homes in ruin, people were unable to cook for themselves. This lead to people cooking food and bringing it around the city. The meals were mostly delivered by women employed in the civil service at the time, and the modern program as we know it developed out the delivery of hot meals to citizens and servicemen alike.

Arrival in North America

In the middle of the 20th century both Canada and United States saw their first programs. Cities across both countries began to deliver food to the homes of people who either couldn’t afford decent food or to those who couldn’t make their own. The Meals on Wheels association was eventually established to help oversee the effort, and cities across the continent from San Diego to Toronto and Calgary began to deliver food directly to people’s homes.

Modern Day

Today, Meals on Wheels programs can be found everywhere from the UK and Australia to the USA and Canada. They mostly operate on city or county level, and have grown greatly since their inception. Nowadays, many of the drivers are also elderly people looking to help out. Eligibility is often determined by medical need, and services are either paid for by voluntary contributions, by moderate fees, or by the local charitable organizations.

Without high-tech food delivery bags to keep the food warm, Meals on Wheels wouldn’t be possible. This is why we dedicate ourselves to providing them for companies that are hard at work getting food to those in need. Keep up the good work guys!